“I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away.” (John 16:1, ESV)
In John, chapter 15, Jesus explained some key elements of living in relationship with Almighty God. John 15 begins with the Parable of the Vines. In that parable, Jesus showed that Almighty God is like a Vinedresser, carefully cultivating the branches of the vine so that there may be a great harvest of fruit (people will be saved!). Jesus is the “true vine”. Jesus’ followers are connected to Him like branches if they keep Jesus’ words (John 15:7), bear the fruit of the gospel (John 15:8), keep the commandments, and abide in His love (John 15:10). Though Jesus wants His followers to be intimately connected to Him, the world rejects such a relationship. In truth, the world is full of hate for Jesus (John 15:24). The world will also hate true disciples of Jesus in similar fashion (John 15:19).
Immediately following the explanation of the great divide between worldly hate and godly love, Jesus spoke the words of our scripture for today. Jesus said, “I have said these things to you to keep you from falling away” (John 16:1). Jesus knew that persecution and the hatred of the world take their toll on people like you. Haven’t you experienced directed toward you all kinds of negativity, distrust, disloyalty, betrayal, evil, and sin in the world?
Last year, many thousands of Christians in Africa and Asia experienced rape, torture, and death at the hands of Islamic warlords and government authorities intent on silencing followers of Jesus. In England, you can be arrested for sharing the gospel. A real estate broker in Virgina (U.S.A), was found guilty of committing “hate speech” when he quoted scripture. During the COVID epidemic, pastors in California and Canada were jailed for daring to worship with others. All these are signs that the world still hates followers of Jesus. It still persecutes them.
Sadly, all this hatred and evil aimed at Christians causes many people to “fall away” from God. Jesus said in our scripture for today that His words were a warning to “keep you from falling away” (John 16:1). Where the world desires you to “fall away” from Jesus, Jesus wants you to hold on fast to the gospel and His teachings. His message brings life to the faithful in the same way that the root of the vine brings needed nutrients to all the branches and fruit of the plant. Jesus desires you to produce fruit befitting the kingdom of God. You can only do that if you do not “fall away” from your Lord.
Now, here’s something very interesting about our scripture for today. 99% of Christians don’t know this, but the scripture for today has some interesting aspects that are hidden to all but those who study its depths. Let me explain. If you read different versions of the Bible, they interpret the words of Jesus in John 16:1 slightly differently. The English Standard Version of the Bible quotes Jesus as saying He does not want faithful people to “fall away” from their connection with God. The New International Version of the Bible says Jesus doesn’t want you to “go astray” from your faith. One King James Version of the Bible uses the words that you should “not be offended” with Jesus. The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible shows Jesus’ desire to “keep you from stumbling”. Put together, these versions of the Bible all claim that Jesus wants you to never “fall away”, “go astray”, “be offended”, or “stumble” in your faith.
Now, here’s the surprise in this scripture. The Greek version of the Bible for “fall away”, “go astray”, “be offended”, and “keep from stumbling” is the same! All these interpretations are based on the Greek word, “σκανδαλισθῆτε”. The root of this word is related to the English word, “scandal”. In essence, Jesus doesn’t want you to “fall away” from the faith. This would be “scandalous”. It would “be offensive” to God. It would result in your “stumbling” or failure.
Jesus considered it a “scandal” when the world causes people to lose their faith. He considers it “scandalous” when Christians give up on God to follow worldly desires. Jesus clearly sees sin at the heart of every “scandal” in the world. Christians who get caught up in “scandals” are falling away from a true and healthy relationship with God. Jesus never wanted scandals to define your life.
Our world loves “scandals”. Newspapers, network news, and social media love to spread stories of scandals. You see, scandals sell newspapers. They fuel a lot of social media. That is why worldly sources of information are quick to print the scandalous reports of pedophile priests, pastors who visit prostitutes, and clergy who have embezzled funds from the church. Worldly sources are giddy at finding “dirt” and scandals in the lives of faithful people. The world is constantly on the lookout for ways to smear the righteous.
Just as in Jesus’ day, the world loves to scandalize Jesus and His followers. Jesus hated to see scandals in the life of the faithful. Where the world loves to see good Christians fall away from God, Jesus wanted to keep all people connected to God’s grace and love. The world and Jesus are at “scandalous” odds with one another.
Each moment of your life could become a “scandal”. So many worldly things threaten to make you “fall away” from Jesus. People will “be offended” by the gospel that resides in your heart or the scripture you quote. The scripture for today is Jesus’ warning NOT to “fall away”, “be offended”, “stumble”, or be “scandalized” in your faith walk. Let go of worldly ways. Hold tight to Jesus. Confess your sin quickly. Make things right. Let “nothing separate you from the love of God!” (Romans 8:39)
If you get nothing else from this meditation, please heed Jesus’ warning! DO NOT fall away from your connection with Jesus! Let no scandal come between you and your Savior!
Immediately following the explanation of the great divide between worldly hate and godly love, Jesus spoke the words of our scripture for today. Jesus said, “I have said these things to you to keep you from falling away” (John 16:1). Jesus knew that persecution and the hatred of the world take their toll on people like you. Haven’t you experienced directed toward you all kinds of negativity, distrust, disloyalty, betrayal, evil, and sin in the world?
Last year, many thousands of Christians in Africa and Asia experienced rape, torture, and death at the hands of Islamic warlords and government authorities intent on silencing followers of Jesus. In England, you can be arrested for sharing the gospel. A real estate broker in Virgina (U.S.A), was found guilty of committing “hate speech” when he quoted scripture. During the COVID epidemic, pastors in California and Canada were jailed for daring to worship with others. All these are signs that the world still hates followers of Jesus. It still persecutes them.
Sadly, all this hatred and evil aimed at Christians causes many people to “fall away” from God. Jesus said in our scripture for today that His words were a warning to “keep you from falling away” (John 16:1). Where the world desires you to “fall away” from Jesus, Jesus wants you to hold on fast to the gospel and His teachings. His message brings life to the faithful in the same way that the root of the vine brings needed nutrients to all the branches and fruit of the plant. Jesus desires you to produce fruit befitting the kingdom of God. You can only do that if you do not “fall away” from your Lord.
Now, here’s something very interesting about our scripture for today. 99% of Christians don’t know this, but the scripture for today has some interesting aspects that are hidden to all but those who study its depths. Let me explain. If you read different versions of the Bible, they interpret the words of Jesus in John 16:1 slightly differently. The English Standard Version of the Bible quotes Jesus as saying He does not want faithful people to “fall away” from their connection with God. The New International Version of the Bible says Jesus doesn’t want you to “go astray” from your faith. One King James Version of the Bible uses the words that you should “not be offended” with Jesus. The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible shows Jesus’ desire to “keep you from stumbling”. Put together, these versions of the Bible all claim that Jesus wants you to never “fall away”, “go astray”, “be offended”, or “stumble” in your faith.
Now, here’s the surprise in this scripture. The Greek version of the Bible for “fall away”, “go astray”, “be offended”, and “keep from stumbling” is the same! All these interpretations are based on the Greek word, “σκανδαλισθῆτε”. The root of this word is related to the English word, “scandal”. In essence, Jesus doesn’t want you to “fall away” from the faith. This would be “scandalous”. It would “be offensive” to God. It would result in your “stumbling” or failure.
Jesus considered it a “scandal” when the world causes people to lose their faith. He considers it “scandalous” when Christians give up on God to follow worldly desires. Jesus clearly sees sin at the heart of every “scandal” in the world. Christians who get caught up in “scandals” are falling away from a true and healthy relationship with God. Jesus never wanted scandals to define your life.
Our world loves “scandals”. Newspapers, network news, and social media love to spread stories of scandals. You see, scandals sell newspapers. They fuel a lot of social media. That is why worldly sources of information are quick to print the scandalous reports of pedophile priests, pastors who visit prostitutes, and clergy who have embezzled funds from the church. Worldly sources are giddy at finding “dirt” and scandals in the lives of faithful people. The world is constantly on the lookout for ways to smear the righteous.
Just as in Jesus’ day, the world loves to scandalize Jesus and His followers. Jesus hated to see scandals in the life of the faithful. Where the world loves to see good Christians fall away from God, Jesus wanted to keep all people connected to God’s grace and love. The world and Jesus are at “scandalous” odds with one another.
Each moment of your life could become a “scandal”. So many worldly things threaten to make you “fall away” from Jesus. People will “be offended” by the gospel that resides in your heart or the scripture you quote. The scripture for today is Jesus’ warning NOT to “fall away”, “be offended”, “stumble”, or be “scandalized” in your faith walk. Let go of worldly ways. Hold tight to Jesus. Confess your sin quickly. Make things right. Let “nothing separate you from the love of God!” (Romans 8:39)
If you get nothing else from this meditation, please heed Jesus’ warning! DO NOT fall away from your connection with Jesus! Let no scandal come between you and your Savior!