“And when he [The Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John 16:8, ESV)

If you ask many Christians about who Jesus was, they will often share details from the Bible. They might recount the crucifixion, the resurrection, parables, the Sermon on the Mount, healings, and more. Often, Christians can list dozens of things of Jesus’ life without much effort. If you ask Christians about God the Father, they might mention the Lord’s Prayer, creation, Heaven, and more. Christians may not know a lot about God the Father, but they will be able to share a few things. What many Christians have difficulty explaining involves the work of the Holy Spirit. A few might mention Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples. However, they may not be able to say much more. Sadly, I have experienced that too many Christians view the Holy Spirit as an indistinct figure, a mystical kind of being. They lack wisdom about the Holy Spirit. They often can’t relate.
The New Testament, especially, is filled with dozens of important passages relating information about the work of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12 and Galatians 5, for example, contain entire paragraphs devoted to the gifts and working of the Holy Spirit. In the gospels, John 14 and John 16 contain a number of Jesus’ teachings about the Holy Spirit. Today’s meditation contains one of those teachings by Jesus about the work of the Holy Spirit.
In John 16:8, Jesus taught that when the Holy Spirit comes to the faithful, its work will include “convicting the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement”. This will happen in your life IF you have the Holy Spirit in you. How do you receive the Holy Spirit? Have someone with the Holy Spirit pray over you, ask for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you, or simply accept the Holy Spirit when it comes. Some people receive the Holy Spirit at baptism. Others, like John the Baptist, are filled with the Holy Spirit from birth or even while in the womb! Some receive the Holy Spirit during a powerful prayer or worship service. One thing is certain, though, you need the Holy Spirit in you to be faithful!
After the resurrection of Jesus, it was crucial that the Holy Spirit come to the disciples of Jesus. Acts 2 tells of that moment when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and caused them to be bold in preaching and teaching and ministry. So crucial was the importance of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of the faithful that when it was found that people in Samaria had received the gospel with joy but were not filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter and John were dispatched to pray over them. Acts 8:17 explains that when Peter and John “laid hands on them” in prayer, they finally received the Holy Spirit. Mission accomplished! It was a necessity that believers be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Today’s scripture explains some of what happens when the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and soul. This scripture teaches that the work of the Holy Spirit involves “convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement”. Taken in context, the Holy Spirit not only brings God’s truth into your life (the subject of John 14:17), but it also shows you where sin lies. The Holy Spirit will cause you to feel God’s righteousness or God’s judgment depending on the level of truth and lies in your life. Essentially, the Holy Spirit is a lie detector, which will inform you when you are telling the truth or lying.
Many Christians think that the conscience is where you test the truth and lies. They believe wholeheartedly that the conscience is the sure measure of what is right and wrong. This is not true. In fact, the conscience can lie to you! This is confirmed in scripture. 1 Timothy 4:2 contains Paul’s clear warning that if you lie enough, your “conscience will be seared”. Your conscience will be burned to the point of numbness. Then, you will replace the truth with lies. This can be seen also in history. A study of mass murderers found that the more they killed people, the easier it became. As their conscience was seared by the repeat of sinful actions, they found it easier and easier to murder again. They found it easier to lie about what they had done. They found it easier to lie to themselves and others about right and wrong.
On the contrary, the Holy Spirit is the best source of determining truth from lies, righteousness from judgement. When a demon is in you, you will believe lies. You will excel in telling falsehoods or playing with the truth. When the Holy Spirit dominates your heart and soul and mind, you will be able to discern the truth from lies. You will feel God’s grace while living the truth. You will feel God’s judgment when falling for lies and sin. Without the Holy Spirit, lies and truth can be hidden, buried, and even misplaced.
After a night of partying, Richard fell asleep in his bed. While enjoying a short but deep sleep, Richard woke up suddenly. In an instant, he was wide awake. At first, Richard wondered if something was wrong in the house. He wondered if maybe someone had broken in or a noise had startled him in his sleep. However, there was no noise but the droning of the TV in his bedroom. Then, he remembered that he had fallen asleep with the TV left on.
Richard rubbed his eyes and talked himself into getting a drink and two aspirin for his headache. Getting out of bed, he began to listen to the program on the TV. It just so happened to be a late night showing of a TV evangelist. Searching for the aspirin in his medicine cabinet, Richard listened to the words coming from the TV. The evangelist was saying, “Have you found that something is missing in your life? Do you find an emptiness in your soul?” The words hit Richard hard. He had just been thinking this before he fell asleep. He was getting tired of partying and drinking binges and one-night stands. Lately, it had all felt so meaningless and empty. He thought it an unusual coincidence that the evangelist would say these exact words.
Going to his kitchen for the water for his aspirin, Richard heard the evangelist mention how a life without Christ would always be a life without purpose and meaning. At first, Richard scoffed at the words. His life had purpose and meaning, didn’t it? Then, he began to question his own understanding, re-examine his values, look back upon his choices. In just seconds, Richard was convicted in heart and soul. He had made poor choices. He was living a lie. If he continued his present course in life, he would probably die alone. With a tear forming in each eye, Richard took his aspirin and water, then sat on the bed. He watched the rest of the TV program, then said the prayer at the end of the show. He asked Jesus into his life. He vowed to himself and to God to change his ways.
What Richard did not understand until a year later was that the Holy Spirit was in his room that night. The Holy Spirit was convicting Richard of the sin that had taken over his life and the lies that had been destroying his future. From that moment on, Richard was a different man. He began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He began to seek God’s will and do it!
If the Holy Spirit is not showing you the truth and lies in your life, chances are the Holy Spirit is either not in you or you have been rejecting the Spirit’s whispers. If you find that a sin bothers you, rejoice! The Holy Spirit is pointing you in the right direction, seeking for you to repent, urging you to change your ways. It is a true sign that God does care about you and your decisions. If you feel God’s judgment, make sure you make things right. Otherwise, God’s Spirit may leave you. Then, the demons will come. Then, all bets are off on how far you will sink in the depths of despair.
Today, give thanks for the Holy Spirit. Reaffirm your desire to have the Holy Spirit in you, guiding you, directing your steps, showing you the truth. Pray for God’s Spirit to dwell powerfully in you. Then, listen for the Spirit’s whispers to direct your steps.
God loves you. God wants the best for you. God hates what sin does in your life. Jesus was sent to save you. The Holy Spirit will help make that salvation a reality!
The New Testament, especially, is filled with dozens of important passages relating information about the work of the Holy Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12 and Galatians 5, for example, contain entire paragraphs devoted to the gifts and working of the Holy Spirit. In the gospels, John 14 and John 16 contain a number of Jesus’ teachings about the Holy Spirit. Today’s meditation contains one of those teachings by Jesus about the work of the Holy Spirit.
In John 16:8, Jesus taught that when the Holy Spirit comes to the faithful, its work will include “convicting the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgement”. This will happen in your life IF you have the Holy Spirit in you. How do you receive the Holy Spirit? Have someone with the Holy Spirit pray over you, ask for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you, or simply accept the Holy Spirit when it comes. Some people receive the Holy Spirit at baptism. Others, like John the Baptist, are filled with the Holy Spirit from birth or even while in the womb! Some receive the Holy Spirit during a powerful prayer or worship service. One thing is certain, though, you need the Holy Spirit in you to be faithful!
After the resurrection of Jesus, it was crucial that the Holy Spirit come to the disciples of Jesus. Acts 2 tells of that moment when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples and caused them to be bold in preaching and teaching and ministry. So crucial was the importance of the indwelling Holy Spirit in the life of the faithful that when it was found that people in Samaria had received the gospel with joy but were not filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter and John were dispatched to pray over them. Acts 8:17 explains that when Peter and John “laid hands on them” in prayer, they finally received the Holy Spirit. Mission accomplished! It was a necessity that believers be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Today’s scripture explains some of what happens when the Holy Spirit comes into your heart and soul. This scripture teaches that the work of the Holy Spirit involves “convicting the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement”. Taken in context, the Holy Spirit not only brings God’s truth into your life (the subject of John 14:17), but it also shows you where sin lies. The Holy Spirit will cause you to feel God’s righteousness or God’s judgment depending on the level of truth and lies in your life. Essentially, the Holy Spirit is a lie detector, which will inform you when you are telling the truth or lying.
Many Christians think that the conscience is where you test the truth and lies. They believe wholeheartedly that the conscience is the sure measure of what is right and wrong. This is not true. In fact, the conscience can lie to you! This is confirmed in scripture. 1 Timothy 4:2 contains Paul’s clear warning that if you lie enough, your “conscience will be seared”. Your conscience will be burned to the point of numbness. Then, you will replace the truth with lies. This can be seen also in history. A study of mass murderers found that the more they killed people, the easier it became. As their conscience was seared by the repeat of sinful actions, they found it easier and easier to murder again. They found it easier to lie about what they had done. They found it easier to lie to themselves and others about right and wrong.
On the contrary, the Holy Spirit is the best source of determining truth from lies, righteousness from judgement. When a demon is in you, you will believe lies. You will excel in telling falsehoods or playing with the truth. When the Holy Spirit dominates your heart and soul and mind, you will be able to discern the truth from lies. You will feel God’s grace while living the truth. You will feel God’s judgment when falling for lies and sin. Without the Holy Spirit, lies and truth can be hidden, buried, and even misplaced.
After a night of partying, Richard fell asleep in his bed. While enjoying a short but deep sleep, Richard woke up suddenly. In an instant, he was wide awake. At first, Richard wondered if something was wrong in the house. He wondered if maybe someone had broken in or a noise had startled him in his sleep. However, there was no noise but the droning of the TV in his bedroom. Then, he remembered that he had fallen asleep with the TV left on.
Richard rubbed his eyes and talked himself into getting a drink and two aspirin for his headache. Getting out of bed, he began to listen to the program on the TV. It just so happened to be a late night showing of a TV evangelist. Searching for the aspirin in his medicine cabinet, Richard listened to the words coming from the TV. The evangelist was saying, “Have you found that something is missing in your life? Do you find an emptiness in your soul?” The words hit Richard hard. He had just been thinking this before he fell asleep. He was getting tired of partying and drinking binges and one-night stands. Lately, it had all felt so meaningless and empty. He thought it an unusual coincidence that the evangelist would say these exact words.
Going to his kitchen for the water for his aspirin, Richard heard the evangelist mention how a life without Christ would always be a life without purpose and meaning. At first, Richard scoffed at the words. His life had purpose and meaning, didn’t it? Then, he began to question his own understanding, re-examine his values, look back upon his choices. In just seconds, Richard was convicted in heart and soul. He had made poor choices. He was living a lie. If he continued his present course in life, he would probably die alone. With a tear forming in each eye, Richard took his aspirin and water, then sat on the bed. He watched the rest of the TV program, then said the prayer at the end of the show. He asked Jesus into his life. He vowed to himself and to God to change his ways.
What Richard did not understand until a year later was that the Holy Spirit was in his room that night. The Holy Spirit was convicting Richard of the sin that had taken over his life and the lies that had been destroying his future. From that moment on, Richard was a different man. He began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He began to seek God’s will and do it!
If the Holy Spirit is not showing you the truth and lies in your life, chances are the Holy Spirit is either not in you or you have been rejecting the Spirit’s whispers. If you find that a sin bothers you, rejoice! The Holy Spirit is pointing you in the right direction, seeking for you to repent, urging you to change your ways. It is a true sign that God does care about you and your decisions. If you feel God’s judgment, make sure you make things right. Otherwise, God’s Spirit may leave you. Then, the demons will come. Then, all bets are off on how far you will sink in the depths of despair.
Today, give thanks for the Holy Spirit. Reaffirm your desire to have the Holy Spirit in you, guiding you, directing your steps, showing you the truth. Pray for God’s Spirit to dwell powerfully in you. Then, listen for the Spirit’s whispers to direct your steps.
God loves you. God wants the best for you. God hates what sin does in your life. Jesus was sent to save you. The Holy Spirit will help make that salvation a reality!
The uplifting video today is a prayer seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. .... Click below for that video!