Do you lack faith?

““You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”” (Matthew 17:20, NLT)
“Faith came singing into my room, and other guests took flight: Fear and Anxiety, Grief and Gloom sped out into the night. I wondered that such peace could be, but Faith said gently, “Don’t you see? They really cannot live with me.””
Faith has a way of defeating fear and anxiety, worry, grief, and gloom. It has a way of seeing hope in the midst of difficulties. Faith can overcome great obstacles. You would think that Christians would rely on faith to add great power and ability to their spiritual life. On the contrary, many Christians have chosen to rely on their money, power, natural abilities, and connections in order get things done. They set faith aside and use other, earthlier, strengths. Why not harness the power in faith? Why not let your faith in God shine? Only you can answer that for yourself.
In the scripture for today, Jesus chastised his disciples openly. After being unable to cast out a powerful demon that had been causing a child to suffer, the disciples were perplexed. They had cast out other demons before in Jesus’ name. This one was particularly difficult for them. They were stumped. With one quick rebuke, Jesus cast out the demon (Matthew 17:18). Then, Jesus turned to his disciples with his evaluation: “You don’t have enough faith” (Matthew 17:20). Though the disciples lived with Jesus for months, listened to his teachings, even performed miracles themselves, they lacked the faith to save this young boy. In the scripture for today, Jesus explained further that if the disciples had “faith even as small as a mustard seed” great things could happen. They could move mountains. “Nothing would be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20c). I guess the disciples were living proof that you can even be in Jesus’ actual presence and lack the faith required to get the job done.
Why is it that followers of Jesus lack faith? Why is it that some have more faith than others?
Among the gifts of the Spirit the Apostle Paul mentions, we find such things as wisdom, knowledge, healing, working of miracles, and several more powerful strengths (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Paul also lists faith as a gift of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:9. When you receive the Holy Spirit in your heart and soul, some people grow a greater faith. Faith comes easier to them. They learn to rely on it, use it, stoke its fires, and trust it. For the average Christian, faith is something required. For those who have the extra measure of faith given by the Holy Spirit, their faith can be both inspirational and powerful. When average Christians might be tempted to rely on their own talents, those with the spiritual gift of faith will always use that gift to empower their work for Jesus.
Based on the scriptures above and the scripture for today, it is clear that some followers of Christ have a greater abundance of faith than others. Some followers of Christ have an inspirational faith that can do amazing things. Not every Christian has the same level of faith. Though faith is required to be a true Christian, some have a greater ability to trust in the power and grace of God.
Do you have an abundance of faith? Does your faith grow and wane depending on your moods? Jesus chastised the disciples for their lack of faith. Have you ever felt God doing the same to you?
A woman named Joyce visited me in my office one beautiful Sunday afternoon. She was young, in her forties, and a picture of health. In the previous few months before her visit, I felt she was blooming in her faith. I felt she was growing ever closer to God. When she asked for the visit, I was excited to see her. I thought she might tell me of some mission she wanted to undertake. I knew she loved working with youth. Maybe she wanted to start an outreach to youth in the community or help the youth leaders or even become a youth leader. After we prayed together, she looked down at her hands. Then, without looking up, she told me that she had several dreams that she was going to die. After explaining to me what she saw in the vivid dreams, it became more and more evident that God was speaking to her. She asked me what she should do. I asked if she was ever diagnosed with anything life threatening. She said no. I told her what I felt God telling me; she needed to make things right with God in her life in case her time was short. She needed to complete anything that has been left undone in her spiritual life and in her home life. She vowed to do it. My words had confirmed her own thinking.
During the weeks after that visit, I prayed for Joyce’s health. I asked God to help her discern what the dreams meant and to show her what she needed to do. I was hoping Joyce was not going to die.
Four months after that visit, Joyce found out she had an aggressive form of cancer. Doctors gave her less than a year to live. But rather than just lay down, give up, and let cancer have her, Joyce did some of the most amazing things with her last months of life. She started a prayer group at the school where she worked. She talked to dozens of students about living a life without regrets. She inspired dozens to reconfirm their faith, be baptized, or help others. She organized outreach programs to needy teens.
The cancer took Joyce’s life not long before Christmas that year. Her funeral was one of the largest I’ve ever attended. Dozens and dozens of youth and adults shared stories of how Joyce changed their lives. When Joyce received the news of her impending death, she did not give up or become depressed. Her faith grew exponentially. She let her faith work through her to change lives. Though knowing her time was short, she did everything she could to reach out in the name of Jesus. I will never forget how faith grew in so many people in that short period of time.
A strong faith can do so much in our world. It can change souls and minds and history. Your faith is precious. AND your faith is powerful. If you don’t use a muscle in your body, it will atrophy and grow weaker. If you don’t use your faith, it too will weaken and may falter. Don’t neglect to use your faith. Nurture it. Let it grow. Then, when things get complicated or difficult, lean on it. Faith in Jesus can move mountains. What mountain might it remove for you today?
“Faith came singing into my room, and other guests took flight: Fear and Anxiety, Grief and Gloom sped out into the night. I wondered that such peace could be, but Faith said gently, “Don’t you see? They really cannot live with me.””
Faith has a way of defeating fear and anxiety, worry, grief, and gloom. It has a way of seeing hope in the midst of difficulties. Faith can overcome great obstacles. You would think that Christians would rely on faith to add great power and ability to their spiritual life. On the contrary, many Christians have chosen to rely on their money, power, natural abilities, and connections in order get things done. They set faith aside and use other, earthlier, strengths. Why not harness the power in faith? Why not let your faith in God shine? Only you can answer that for yourself.
In the scripture for today, Jesus chastised his disciples openly. After being unable to cast out a powerful demon that had been causing a child to suffer, the disciples were perplexed. They had cast out other demons before in Jesus’ name. This one was particularly difficult for them. They were stumped. With one quick rebuke, Jesus cast out the demon (Matthew 17:18). Then, Jesus turned to his disciples with his evaluation: “You don’t have enough faith” (Matthew 17:20). Though the disciples lived with Jesus for months, listened to his teachings, even performed miracles themselves, they lacked the faith to save this young boy. In the scripture for today, Jesus explained further that if the disciples had “faith even as small as a mustard seed” great things could happen. They could move mountains. “Nothing would be impossible.” (Matthew 17:20c). I guess the disciples were living proof that you can even be in Jesus’ actual presence and lack the faith required to get the job done.
Why is it that followers of Jesus lack faith? Why is it that some have more faith than others?
Among the gifts of the Spirit the Apostle Paul mentions, we find such things as wisdom, knowledge, healing, working of miracles, and several more powerful strengths (1 Corinthians 12:4-11). Paul also lists faith as a gift of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12:9. When you receive the Holy Spirit in your heart and soul, some people grow a greater faith. Faith comes easier to them. They learn to rely on it, use it, stoke its fires, and trust it. For the average Christian, faith is something required. For those who have the extra measure of faith given by the Holy Spirit, their faith can be both inspirational and powerful. When average Christians might be tempted to rely on their own talents, those with the spiritual gift of faith will always use that gift to empower their work for Jesus.
Based on the scriptures above and the scripture for today, it is clear that some followers of Christ have a greater abundance of faith than others. Some followers of Christ have an inspirational faith that can do amazing things. Not every Christian has the same level of faith. Though faith is required to be a true Christian, some have a greater ability to trust in the power and grace of God.
Do you have an abundance of faith? Does your faith grow and wane depending on your moods? Jesus chastised the disciples for their lack of faith. Have you ever felt God doing the same to you?
A woman named Joyce visited me in my office one beautiful Sunday afternoon. She was young, in her forties, and a picture of health. In the previous few months before her visit, I felt she was blooming in her faith. I felt she was growing ever closer to God. When she asked for the visit, I was excited to see her. I thought she might tell me of some mission she wanted to undertake. I knew she loved working with youth. Maybe she wanted to start an outreach to youth in the community or help the youth leaders or even become a youth leader. After we prayed together, she looked down at her hands. Then, without looking up, she told me that she had several dreams that she was going to die. After explaining to me what she saw in the vivid dreams, it became more and more evident that God was speaking to her. She asked me what she should do. I asked if she was ever diagnosed with anything life threatening. She said no. I told her what I felt God telling me; she needed to make things right with God in her life in case her time was short. She needed to complete anything that has been left undone in her spiritual life and in her home life. She vowed to do it. My words had confirmed her own thinking.
During the weeks after that visit, I prayed for Joyce’s health. I asked God to help her discern what the dreams meant and to show her what she needed to do. I was hoping Joyce was not going to die.
Four months after that visit, Joyce found out she had an aggressive form of cancer. Doctors gave her less than a year to live. But rather than just lay down, give up, and let cancer have her, Joyce did some of the most amazing things with her last months of life. She started a prayer group at the school where she worked. She talked to dozens of students about living a life without regrets. She inspired dozens to reconfirm their faith, be baptized, or help others. She organized outreach programs to needy teens.
The cancer took Joyce’s life not long before Christmas that year. Her funeral was one of the largest I’ve ever attended. Dozens and dozens of youth and adults shared stories of how Joyce changed their lives. When Joyce received the news of her impending death, she did not give up or become depressed. Her faith grew exponentially. She let her faith work through her to change lives. Though knowing her time was short, she did everything she could to reach out in the name of Jesus. I will never forget how faith grew in so many people in that short period of time.
A strong faith can do so much in our world. It can change souls and minds and history. Your faith is precious. AND your faith is powerful. If you don’t use a muscle in your body, it will atrophy and grow weaker. If you don’t use your faith, it too will weaken and may falter. Don’t neglect to use your faith. Nurture it. Let it grow. Then, when things get complicated or difficult, lean on it. Faith in Jesus can move mountains. What mountain might it remove for you today?