“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20, ESV)
When the scripture above was written, the times weren’t much different in ancient Israel than in the world today. Isaiah’s time was filled with corruption in the government, where the courts were also complicit (Isaiah 1:17-23; 5:22-23). The wealthy and powerful took advantage of the poor, the orphan, and the widow. Those who were wealthy were known for their wanton arrogance and drunkenness (Isaiah 5:11-12). Many rejected God outright (Isaiah 5:24). All these things are happening today! In the midst of all this sin, a common theme rang true for Isaiah. It forms the scripture for today. Through Isaiah the prophet, God calls for “woe” against “those who call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20).
Our world today is overwhelmingly turning against God. Just the past few years prove it. Governments and the powerful had parties while forcing churches to close during COVID. Good people were kept from a good day’s work. Pharmaceutical companies made billions while people had no money for food or rent. Those who protested against government and civil abuses were beaten, arrested, and even sent off to work camps (China, New Zealand, Canada, California, New York, and many other places practiced such atrocities). Governors in the United States forced people to get vaccines. One businessman in New Jersey was even sued more than a dozen times at the encouragement of local government officials for daring to remain open for his customers. Medical boards forced doctors to remain silent. All the while, a small elite made money hand over fist. The corruption was widespread.
Faithful church people suffered greatly. Pastors were arrested or threatened in California and Canada and elsewhere for having worship services. Laypeople were threatened when they dared gather for prayer or Home Bible Studies or even funerals. The liberal courts looked the other way. Throughout it all, media and government leaders denied godly worship, holy gatherings, prayer groups and more, while letting groups like Black Lives Matter have massive protests and gatherings.
The sign that clinched the corruption in the time of Isaiah is also present today. As mentioned in our scripture from Isaiah 5:20, there were those in the time of Isaiah who promoted ideas that are evil but call them good. And they deny what is good and call it evil. Those types of individuals are also with us today. Have you seen it personally?
Have you heard of the people on school boards and in government offices who claim that there are more than two genders? How about those who claim that school children can be “furries” (children who dress like animals for school and ask to be treated like them) and live like animals. Do you know of anyone who believes that living together can be as holy as marriage? Those who believe such things are not uncommon. Maybe you were made aware of politicians or health professionals claiming that taking a vaccine is akin to doing something righteous. You might have read in the news about those who believe that an unborn baby is not a person, even though it has all the DNA of a human being! There are those who argue that there is no evidence for God while suppressing any mention of God’s miracles and actions. There are teachers who refuse to talk about religious values in their classroom while showing off rainbow flags and teaching LGBTQ endorsed values all the while. In a myriad of ways, all these people are “calling evil good and good evil”, while denying God’s place in the world.
I believe one of the ways to know you live in a sinful world is when the leaders “call evil good and good evil”. It is the hallmark of the fallen world. It is the nature of Satan, the “father of lies” (John 8:44) to twist what is the truth to fit an evil agenda. Sadly, many Christians have fallen for the lies, the untruths, the godless philosophies. Their minds are twisted by propaganda in modern times just as 2700 years ago in the time of Isaiah. In the same way that God’s truth will always be THE truth, Satan’s lies will always be lies. Those lies damage people, families, and futures.
Some who read this meditation may think I’m a cynic, a “negative Nellie”, a grumpy old pastor. It’s far from the truth. I mention the relationship between Isaiah’s time and present day in order to encourage you to stay faithful to God! I draw out these facts to help you hold onto God’s truth and reject the lies of our age. You see, not long after Isaiah spoke the words in Isaiah 5:20, God’s judgment rained down. The country of Judah was ravaged by war. The protective walls of the city of Jerusalem were broken into pieces. The Temple was destroyed. All this was caused by the sin of people who “called evil good and good evil.” I’m trying to save your soul from making the same mistakes as the souls in Isaiah’s day!
I have seen more than a dozen videos of courageous Christians who went up against corrupt school administrators and boards to stop the spread of pornography and LBGTQ-biased materials from being disseminated in elementary school classrooms and libraries. I have read of courageous politicians, moved by God, who rejected bribes to keep the truth hidden and the lies on the front pages of web sites. Whistleblowers have confessed to government overreach, corruption, and sinful actions. Even today, there is news of a tech company taking government money to promote lies via social media. This is just one more example of how good people today have been fighting to keep the truth forefront, God’s righteousness alive, and true worship uncorrupted by sin.
Every age deals with lies, false teachings, political machinations, and evil forces. Isaiah dealt with them. Jesus dealt with them. You will deal with them. We live in a fallen world.
You, however, have been given a glimpse of God’s truth. You have been infused by the Holy Spirit to help you separate the truth from lies. Your righteousness will always be under attack by evil forces. Your faithfulness will always be challenged by sinful people. It is too easy to let the lies get to you and fall into depression or bitterness. Instead, let God’s light shine. Let Christ reign in your heart. Let the truth roll out from your lips. Let Jesus be forever glorified by your love. As Paul taught, “When I want to do right evil lies close at hand” (Romans 7:21). Paul also said…“See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.” (1 Thessalonians 5:15, ESV).
You have your marching orders. Hold onto God’s truth. Don’t believe the lies. Remain true to Jesus. Love like Christ. Be faithful unto death and receive your crown of eternal life (Revelation 2:10).
Our world today is overwhelmingly turning against God. Just the past few years prove it. Governments and the powerful had parties while forcing churches to close during COVID. Good people were kept from a good day’s work. Pharmaceutical companies made billions while people had no money for food or rent. Those who protested against government and civil abuses were beaten, arrested, and even sent off to work camps (China, New Zealand, Canada, California, New York, and many other places practiced such atrocities). Governors in the United States forced people to get vaccines. One businessman in New Jersey was even sued more than a dozen times at the encouragement of local government officials for daring to remain open for his customers. Medical boards forced doctors to remain silent. All the while, a small elite made money hand over fist. The corruption was widespread.
Faithful church people suffered greatly. Pastors were arrested or threatened in California and Canada and elsewhere for having worship services. Laypeople were threatened when they dared gather for prayer or Home Bible Studies or even funerals. The liberal courts looked the other way. Throughout it all, media and government leaders denied godly worship, holy gatherings, prayer groups and more, while letting groups like Black Lives Matter have massive protests and gatherings.
The sign that clinched the corruption in the time of Isaiah is also present today. As mentioned in our scripture from Isaiah 5:20, there were those in the time of Isaiah who promoted ideas that are evil but call them good. And they deny what is good and call it evil. Those types of individuals are also with us today. Have you seen it personally?
Have you heard of the people on school boards and in government offices who claim that there are more than two genders? How about those who claim that school children can be “furries” (children who dress like animals for school and ask to be treated like them) and live like animals. Do you know of anyone who believes that living together can be as holy as marriage? Those who believe such things are not uncommon. Maybe you were made aware of politicians or health professionals claiming that taking a vaccine is akin to doing something righteous. You might have read in the news about those who believe that an unborn baby is not a person, even though it has all the DNA of a human being! There are those who argue that there is no evidence for God while suppressing any mention of God’s miracles and actions. There are teachers who refuse to talk about religious values in their classroom while showing off rainbow flags and teaching LGBTQ endorsed values all the while. In a myriad of ways, all these people are “calling evil good and good evil”, while denying God’s place in the world.
I believe one of the ways to know you live in a sinful world is when the leaders “call evil good and good evil”. It is the hallmark of the fallen world. It is the nature of Satan, the “father of lies” (John 8:44) to twist what is the truth to fit an evil agenda. Sadly, many Christians have fallen for the lies, the untruths, the godless philosophies. Their minds are twisted by propaganda in modern times just as 2700 years ago in the time of Isaiah. In the same way that God’s truth will always be THE truth, Satan’s lies will always be lies. Those lies damage people, families, and futures.
Some who read this meditation may think I’m a cynic, a “negative Nellie”, a grumpy old pastor. It’s far from the truth. I mention the relationship between Isaiah’s time and present day in order to encourage you to stay faithful to God! I draw out these facts to help you hold onto God’s truth and reject the lies of our age. You see, not long after Isaiah spoke the words in Isaiah 5:20, God’s judgment rained down. The country of Judah was ravaged by war. The protective walls of the city of Jerusalem were broken into pieces. The Temple was destroyed. All this was caused by the sin of people who “called evil good and good evil.” I’m trying to save your soul from making the same mistakes as the souls in Isaiah’s day!
I have seen more than a dozen videos of courageous Christians who went up against corrupt school administrators and boards to stop the spread of pornography and LBGTQ-biased materials from being disseminated in elementary school classrooms and libraries. I have read of courageous politicians, moved by God, who rejected bribes to keep the truth hidden and the lies on the front pages of web sites. Whistleblowers have confessed to government overreach, corruption, and sinful actions. Even today, there is news of a tech company taking government money to promote lies via social media. This is just one more example of how good people today have been fighting to keep the truth forefront, God’s righteousness alive, and true worship uncorrupted by sin.
Every age deals with lies, false teachings, political machinations, and evil forces. Isaiah dealt with them. Jesus dealt with them. You will deal with them. We live in a fallen world.
You, however, have been given a glimpse of God’s truth. You have been infused by the Holy Spirit to help you separate the truth from lies. Your righteousness will always be under attack by evil forces. Your faithfulness will always be challenged by sinful people. It is too easy to let the lies get to you and fall into depression or bitterness. Instead, let God’s light shine. Let Christ reign in your heart. Let the truth roll out from your lips. Let Jesus be forever glorified by your love. As Paul taught, “When I want to do right evil lies close at hand” (Romans 7:21). Paul also said…“See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.” (1 Thessalonians 5:15, ESV).
You have your marching orders. Hold onto God’s truth. Don’t believe the lies. Remain true to Jesus. Love like Christ. Be faithful unto death and receive your crown of eternal life (Revelation 2:10).